I literally went almost 11 years without doing anything physical to keep myself in shape. I mean sure, I would go on walks or push the kids in the stroller. I usually try to eat mostly healthy foods. But in those years of taking care of these 4 awesome kids, I was forgetting something that, as mothers we hear often. We hear this all over the internet, in quotes on pinterest, and memes on instagram and facebook.
I always told myself so many excuses that kept me from doing anything. Mostly things like I have 4 kids, I don't have time to do anything for myself. I'm a mom I can't be expected to do anything. No matter what I do, my stomach will always be somewhat flabby, and so on. Given, in a lot of those years, I was either pregnant, recovering from c-sections, or just plain tired with getting up with babies throughout the night.
While to a lot of you other moms, these might sound legit, or to others these may sound silly. It's the way I felt.
First off, my youngest is now 4 years old. So I really haven't had the baby excuse for a while now.
My sister and I run a page on instagram and facebook called "Fabulously Frugal". After a winter of NO physical activity and a whole lot of bakery sweets eaten. We decided that we would put out a challenge for anyone who wanted to join us (mostly for ourselves) to get 10,000 steps in a day. At first this was really hard to do, It was January, and in Utah that means a lot of snow, so I wasn't going to be going on any walks outside. I'm a homeschooling mom (even before it was mandatory... I know, I'm not right in the head), I had no exercise clothing and I did not own a treadmill.
I put all excuses aside and decided that NO MATTER WHAT, I was going to get my steps in.
So every morning I would slip my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and get to work. I'm sure if anyone saw me in person they would think I was absolutely nuts! I would stand behind my kids and while helping them with school, march in place. When I wasn't physically walking around the house doing stuff, I would seriously step in place. While doing dishes.... step in place. Washing my hands? step in place. When the kids were done with their chores. I would turn on music in the kitchen and.... dance around until I hit those 10,000 steps. I would work up a sweat, and guess what, even with this little movement. I started to lose that extra fat that I had put on.
People started to notice my determination and things started to fall into place. My husband and kids got me some high quality exercise clothes for mothers day. Which I love, if you want to check them out. click here.
My Sister gave me a fitness watch for my birthday, and my in-laws had a treadmill just sitting around in their garage, that they let me bring to my house and use.
The first time that I stepped on the treadmill, it took me 2 1/2 HOURS to run 5 miles! I figured out, that with my stride 5 miles is about equal to 10,000 steps. It was SO frustrating, trying to get the kids to leave me alone, constantly stepping off because I felt like dying, and just wanting to give up. But I didn't I made a goal to do 5 miles on the treadmill at least 5 days a week. I stuck to it. But with a little secret on how.
Every day, my kids are not allowed to use any electronics until 1- Their chores are done 2- They do their time on Lexia (a reading program that helps them keep up on their reading skills) and 3-I GET MY MILES IN ON THE TREADMILL! While this may sound crazy. It's been the best thing in the world! Instead of fighting and asking me to do everything. They encourage me to get on the treadmill. They help each-other get stuff done, the older kids do stuff for the younger two, and I get my time to myself.
I've come to realize that when I exercise, eat healthy, and take my vitamins (check out my favorites HERE discount code JMARIE88) I have so much more energy, and I am in a much better mood. I am kinder and show more love.
I am in no way perfect and will NEVER pretend to have it all together. I still have days where my kids fight and I have to get off the treadmill a million times. I've come to accept that anytime I do yoga, my 4 year old is going to ride on my back like a monkey. During the summer, my kids may be in their jammies until 11:00 because I am taking that time to better myself. But you know what? I can now run 5 miles in 56 minutes, I was able to run my first 5k last month, and I'm able to love myself a little bit more each day. Life is about compromise. I want my kids to see that being a mom, doesn't mean you give up yourself. You can still be yourself AND take care of them.
If you made it this far. Thanks for reading. Stay true to you and find some time for self care.
Check out my instagram @j.marie_esthetics
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